Saturday, October 13, 2012

It's been a long road...

Thanks to a little nudging from someone who actually read my blog, I thought I would blog about the long road I have been on.  Unfortunately, it has not been a road that I have been running on. Shortly after my race in April I started feeling a lot of pain. I think I have actually always had some pain.  (It is weird how once you start feeling something....whether it be pain, or even depression, you can't remember ever feeling different.) I was still running here and there. It was great because it was summer and I actually had time to run and the perfect weather, but I just kept feeling worse and worse.  I did not want to go to the doctor, but I didn't feel up to racing either.

I put off going to the doctor until it was almost time to go back to work.  There was no way I was going back to work feeling this way.  Thirty plus students per class + pain = a recipe (or in this case an equation) for disaster.  So, I trudged to the doctor, who after discussing my options said that I probably needed surgery.  Long story short...or maybe I made a short story long...I had surgery.  For the first two weeks, I couldn't lift over 8 pounds.  For the next four weeks, no sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, exercise..and on and on.

On Monday, I go in for my six week checkup.  Hopefully the doctor will give me the green light to go running.  It has been hard!!  While I have been recovering, I have been helping coach middle/high school Cross Country.  Running vicariously is not the same.  Also, my adult ADHD...which any of you who know me know that I have...has gone full force with no outlet for that extra energy. It has been a long road I have been on, but I can't wait to get on the road again.

Next blog....Running after Recovery....Chubby Girl...Out!

Monday, April 30, 2012

The Good Pace Race

April 28, 2012
Rigby Heart & Sole 5K

Oh man...I did NOT want to run this race.  I did not feel well.  I haven't for awhile now.  It seems I am always tired and weak.  Never a good combination when you plan on running three miles.  Thank goodness I finally went to the doctor and had some tests done.  Maybe they can figure it out.  I should know in the next few days. So, I didn't want to run it, but of course I did.  I don't know why runners torture themselves so. 

The race was in Rigby.  That is about fifteen miles from where I live.  The morning was really pretty cold, windy and a little cloudy.  I actually thought about turning around and going home a few times.  When I finally made it there, I had to park a ways from the line.  They actually had a sweet setup because the roads were closed.  It is nice to not be worried about being run over, or having to wait for traffic.

I waited around for a bit, then decided to go and find my friend Tonya who was planning on running as well.  I found her right away and we talked all the way to the starting line.  There we ran into an old student of mine and his parents.  Did I mention that I have a hard time with races that start with a gun?  I am sooo afraid of the sound that it makes me nervous knowing that it is coming.  Ok...I am a wimp, but popping balloons get to me as well. 
So we are off...I stay with Tonya for a little bit and then break off.  I had a really good pace going.  I didn't get winded or anything.

About 3/4 of a mile in and I remember seeing the sign.  Really?  Only 3/4 mile?  You have got to be kidding me.  We ran down Ribgy Lake Drive.  I was hoping that we would run the trail around the lake, but we didn't get to.  The 10kers did though and I kinda wish I would have done the 10k.  It was starting to get warmer, but I was comfortable in my underarmour with my race shirt over it.  I can't believe I chose the right thing to wear.  I think I am getting better at this running stuff :).  About 1/4 mile left to go and I turned on the rocket boosters and passed about five other people as I crossed the line.

The race was a great one!  Even though it was the first time the race was put on, the organizers did a wonderful job.  This was the first race I ever received a medal for participation.  It is cute!  Picture will be attached soon.  My time according to the timing company was 31 minutes, but by my iPod clock it was right around 28 minutes.  I am inclined to believe my watch since they didn't use chip timing.  Use chip timing people...we like exact times.

Next race is May 19th and is actually a freeeeee race.  What a concept.  Chubby girl...out!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Back in the saddle...

Community Health and Fitness 5k
March 24, 2012

First race of the season...oh yeah!!!  I didn't feel that way at first.  I had just returned home the night before from a two day trip to Boise where myself and other faculty members entertained fifty...yes that is 50, 8th graders.  It was fun and sooooo exhausting, but getting up early the next day to run my first 5k since November was not very appealing.  I did it though.  Sporting my new Underarmour jacket...which I bought at Cabelas in Boise,  I left the house.

The race was at Community Park.  It is such a cute little park with rolling hills.  In the summer there are always bright colored flowers planted around the sign.  Anyway the morning was very chilly with the promise of a beautiful day eventually.  I headed to pick up my number and shirt since I was not able to get it early.  I talked to a few people as we waited.  I met a cute lady from Minnesota named Lisa who is trying to run a 5k in all 50 states.  She was really cool.  Wish I would have gotten her information so I could keep in touch.

When the race started we ran down 25th street and into Shamrock Park subdivision.  Like a big dummy, I kept my phone in my pocket and it went flying out on the road so I had to run back for it.  The run was pleasant enough.  From Shamrock Park we ran onto Sunnyside Road and then onto Holmes and back to the park.  I really wanted to walk several times.  I had to convince myself to keep running.  I had a mantra going by then...something about how strong I was.  I had no idea what my time was like because I had lost my phone again and it was in pieces in my pocket.

Once I was back on the park trail and could clearly see the finish arch I still had to tell myself not to walk.  By then I was side by side with Lisa again.  There was about 100 yards left and I turned on the speed like I always do.  I used to be a sprinter so these last few yards always bring it back out of me.  Just as I turned on the speed my phone fell out again.  I was soo frustrated.  I went back and grabbed it and sprinted across the line.  Final time 29:38....about 3 minutes faster than my last 5k time.

I am officially back in the racing saddle.  I haven't signed up for another race just yet, but I am sure I will soon enough.  My legs today are super sore, but as John Mellencamp would say..."it hurts so good." 

Lesson from this race...leave your phone in the car and wear a watch to check your time...lame, but that is all I've got.
Chubby girl...out!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

No cold...and catching a cold

This has been a really strange winter.  The temperatures we are used to this time of year in chilly Idaho have been very mild.  For some reason, it has felt very ominous to me (ominous is a cool word).  Anyway, I have been able to do a lot of running outside and have been keeping to my half-marathon training schedule fairly well....that was until Friday...dum dum dum.

I got a cold.  I haven't had one in forever.  Ever since I committed myself to running and working out I felt like my immune system has been stronger then ever.  A cold?  Whatever.  Well, I got one and it has been a real doozy (another cool word).  So, I missed my long run on Saturday.  I vowed that this cold would only last the weekend so I pulled out the big guns...chicken soup...and had a long nap the other day.  I have a lot going on this week and I can NOT let a silly cold get in the way.  I will be missing a few workout days so I plan on working out on the road.  I hope my hotel has a gym.

I am already feeling a bit better.   I am getting ready to sign up for the first race of the season.  It will just be a 5k but I am excited to get back into race mode.  I was also told that my blog name didn't really fit anymore because I am not as chubby...but I still kinda like the sound of it so I guess it stays...chubby girl...out!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

I need a doctor...and balance

I love writing this blog, but I seriously need a doctor.  A computer doctor that is.  My computer has been displaying a message that says the cooling system is not working.  Basically if I don't get it fixed it is going to burn up.  Grrr!  So I am writing this blog from another computer until I get a doctor for my laptop.

I have been running mostly on the treadmill for weeks now. Yesterday, however, I ventured outside.  It was a balmy (haha) 23 degrees, but it was nice to get out.  It really is more of a challenge to run outside then on the treadmill.  I think it is more so when it is cold outside.  It is much more fun though.  I can hardly wait to be out all the time.  Speaking of running, my sister who is now a certified personal trainer, designed a half-marathon training plan for me.  I plan on starting it tomorrow.  What a scary concept.  Considering my longest run to this point has been a little over 6 miles.  I would like to be ready to run one in July, as well as running a few 5k and 10ks.

I am still trying to find that balance between work, family, and time for exercise.  I started going to the gym twice a week.  I have to admit that I like it a lot.  I have been able to work on my arms, which have been seriously neglected, but also strength my legs so I can run farther and faster (well that is the plan).   

Can't believe we are almost into the second month of the New Year.  How are those resolutions going for you?  I am plugging along.  Well...I will let you know how my training goes...until next time....Chubby Girl...out!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

How I joined a gym and my magic feet...

I heard a complaint that it had been awhile since my last chubby girl dissertation.  So here I am ready to awe and inspire.  What it new with me?? Well, I joined a gym.  I know some of you are saying..well isn't that expensive and blah blah blah.  It really isn't that bad.  I pay $20 a month and I have unlimited guest privileges, which means I can take a friend.  It has been really fun.  I have been a few times with friends from work and a few times alone. Having gym buddies is a good thing, but I also found out that it is okay to be alone.  The only hang ups are getting through those awkward stages..the one where you think that everyone there is going to be super fit and muscular...and the one where you don't want to make a donkey out of yourself when you are unsure of how to use the equipment.  The gym gives me the chance to work the arms and tone the muscles.

Oh and the other new thing is my magic feet.  Awhile back my dishwasher stopped working.  After about a week of doing dishes by hand (for a family of six), I got frustrated and kicked it.  Guess what?  It started up right then and there and has been working well ever since.  Before I joined the gym, I was wondering how I was going to run with the weather turning and my treadmill broken.  You can probably see where this is going.  Yes, I kicked that treadmill and it to started working.  Now it doesn't work as well as the dishwasher.  Every now and then it simply stops, which can be dangerous if you are in a full run at the time, but for the most part it works.

My goals for a healthy and happy new year are in full swing.  Looks like racing begins in March and I will be crossing many finish lines this spring.  Until then I will keep you posted on my training...Chubby girl...out!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutions and Revolutions

It is the New Year...2012!  If you believe the hype then the world is going to end this year.  I personally think the Mayans got tired of doing a calendar.  I mean you have to stop somewhere, right?  I make resolutions every year.  The amazing thing is that I am also getting pretty good at keeping them.  The trick is to write a whole bunch, not just one or two.  That way you will be accomplishing at least a few of them and you won't feel like a complete failure.  Of the 11 resolutions I made for 2011, I managed to keep 3 of them.  That is not a passing grade, but it is progress.  My resolutions this year include continued weight loss and running.

My sister issued me a challenge last night.  She called it a "Running Streak."  I think we need a more clever name for it.  Anyway, she wanted to see how many consecutive days she could run without a rest day.  Now, I know you are thinking that it is crazy, and you need a rest day.  On our normal rest days we will just run a slow mile.  Still getting a run in, but in no way taxing ourselves.  I told her I would be more then willing to do it with her.  We will say it is one of our New Years Revolutions for 2012...get it???  I will keep you updated on the progress as we go along.

The race calendar at is just starting to fill up.  I am thinking my first race will be in March.  I am really looking forward to it....Keep your chin up and your running shoes laced...Chubby girl, out.