Saturday, October 13, 2012

It's been a long road...

Thanks to a little nudging from someone who actually read my blog, I thought I would blog about the long road I have been on.  Unfortunately, it has not been a road that I have been running on. Shortly after my race in April I started feeling a lot of pain. I think I have actually always had some pain.  (It is weird how once you start feeling something....whether it be pain, or even depression, you can't remember ever feeling different.) I was still running here and there. It was great because it was summer and I actually had time to run and the perfect weather, but I just kept feeling worse and worse.  I did not want to go to the doctor, but I didn't feel up to racing either.

I put off going to the doctor until it was almost time to go back to work.  There was no way I was going back to work feeling this way.  Thirty plus students per class + pain = a recipe (or in this case an equation) for disaster.  So, I trudged to the doctor, who after discussing my options said that I probably needed surgery.  Long story short...or maybe I made a short story long...I had surgery.  For the first two weeks, I couldn't lift over 8 pounds.  For the next four weeks, no sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, exercise..and on and on.

On Monday, I go in for my six week checkup.  Hopefully the doctor will give me the green light to go running.  It has been hard!!  While I have been recovering, I have been helping coach middle/high school Cross Country.  Running vicariously is not the same.  Also, my adult ADHD...which any of you who know me know that I have...has gone full force with no outlet for that extra energy. It has been a long road I have been on, but I can't wait to get on the road again.

Next blog....Running after Recovery....Chubby Girl...Out!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you gave us an update. You were going to get a note from me because frankly it was getting to be awhile but I understood since you weren't feeling well.
