Monday, April 30, 2012

The Good Pace Race

April 28, 2012
Rigby Heart & Sole 5K

Oh man...I did NOT want to run this race.  I did not feel well.  I haven't for awhile now.  It seems I am always tired and weak.  Never a good combination when you plan on running three miles.  Thank goodness I finally went to the doctor and had some tests done.  Maybe they can figure it out.  I should know in the next few days. So, I didn't want to run it, but of course I did.  I don't know why runners torture themselves so. 

The race was in Rigby.  That is about fifteen miles from where I live.  The morning was really pretty cold, windy and a little cloudy.  I actually thought about turning around and going home a few times.  When I finally made it there, I had to park a ways from the line.  They actually had a sweet setup because the roads were closed.  It is nice to not be worried about being run over, or having to wait for traffic.

I waited around for a bit, then decided to go and find my friend Tonya who was planning on running as well.  I found her right away and we talked all the way to the starting line.  There we ran into an old student of mine and his parents.  Did I mention that I have a hard time with races that start with a gun?  I am sooo afraid of the sound that it makes me nervous knowing that it is coming.  Ok...I am a wimp, but popping balloons get to me as well. 
So we are off...I stay with Tonya for a little bit and then break off.  I had a really good pace going.  I didn't get winded or anything.

About 3/4 of a mile in and I remember seeing the sign.  Really?  Only 3/4 mile?  You have got to be kidding me.  We ran down Ribgy Lake Drive.  I was hoping that we would run the trail around the lake, but we didn't get to.  The 10kers did though and I kinda wish I would have done the 10k.  It was starting to get warmer, but I was comfortable in my underarmour with my race shirt over it.  I can't believe I chose the right thing to wear.  I think I am getting better at this running stuff :).  About 1/4 mile left to go and I turned on the rocket boosters and passed about five other people as I crossed the line.

The race was a great one!  Even though it was the first time the race was put on, the organizers did a wonderful job.  This was the first race I ever received a medal for participation.  It is cute!  Picture will be attached soon.  My time according to the timing company was 31 minutes, but by my iPod clock it was right around 28 minutes.  I am inclined to believe my watch since they didn't use chip timing.  Use chip timing people...we like exact times.

Next race is May 19th and is actually a freeeeee race.  What a concept.  Chubby girl...out!