Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolutions and Revolutions

It is the New Year...2012!  If you believe the hype then the world is going to end this year.  I personally think the Mayans got tired of doing a calendar.  I mean you have to stop somewhere, right?  I make resolutions every year.  The amazing thing is that I am also getting pretty good at keeping them.  The trick is to write a whole bunch, not just one or two.  That way you will be accomplishing at least a few of them and you won't feel like a complete failure.  Of the 11 resolutions I made for 2011, I managed to keep 3 of them.  That is not a passing grade, but it is progress.  My resolutions this year include continued weight loss and running.

My sister issued me a challenge last night.  She called it a "Running Streak."  I think we need a more clever name for it.  Anyway, she wanted to see how many consecutive days she could run without a rest day.  Now, I know you are thinking that it is crazy, and you need a rest day.  On our normal rest days we will just run a slow mile.  Still getting a run in, but in no way taxing ourselves.  I told her I would be more then willing to do it with her.  We will say it is one of our New Years Revolutions for 2012...get it???  I will keep you updated on the progress as we go along.

The race calendar at is just starting to fill up.  I am thinking my first race will be in March.  I am really looking forward to it....Keep your chin up and your running shoes laced...Chubby girl, out.

1 comment:

  1. You could call it the Run of Rally Running Resolution! Just saying ;P
