Sunday, January 15, 2012

How I joined a gym and my magic feet...

I heard a complaint that it had been awhile since my last chubby girl dissertation.  So here I am ready to awe and inspire.  What it new with me?? Well, I joined a gym.  I know some of you are saying..well isn't that expensive and blah blah blah.  It really isn't that bad.  I pay $20 a month and I have unlimited guest privileges, which means I can take a friend.  It has been really fun.  I have been a few times with friends from work and a few times alone. Having gym buddies is a good thing, but I also found out that it is okay to be alone.  The only hang ups are getting through those awkward stages..the one where you think that everyone there is going to be super fit and muscular...and the one where you don't want to make a donkey out of yourself when you are unsure of how to use the equipment.  The gym gives me the chance to work the arms and tone the muscles.

Oh and the other new thing is my magic feet.  Awhile back my dishwasher stopped working.  After about a week of doing dishes by hand (for a family of six), I got frustrated and kicked it.  Guess what?  It started up right then and there and has been working well ever since.  Before I joined the gym, I was wondering how I was going to run with the weather turning and my treadmill broken.  You can probably see where this is going.  Yes, I kicked that treadmill and it to started working.  Now it doesn't work as well as the dishwasher.  Every now and then it simply stops, which can be dangerous if you are in a full run at the time, but for the most part it works.

My goals for a healthy and happy new year are in full swing.  Looks like racing begins in March and I will be crossing many finish lines this spring.  Until then I will keep you posted on my training...Chubby girl...out!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome that the TM and dishwasher are working. Could you come kick my fridge?
