Sunday, September 11, 2011

No Rolling Hills Classic for me...

My next race was going to be the Rolling Hills Classic 5k which was held in Rexburg.  I had other family obligations so I did not get to run it.  So far I have run 4 races in 4 months.  I don't want to ruin that record so don't be surprised if I find a race at the end of this month.  I have continued to run around the neighborhood usually 3-4 times a week.  I am convinced that my neighbors think I am crazy.  My oldest daughter ran with me the other day. Mikayla is also the daughter who ran the Fit for the Kingdom race in Rupert.  I am not sure if she is sold on running just yet....time will tell.  I am sold on it though.  I have never felt stronger.  I continue to lose weight and it really helps with my stress and adult ADHD.  (By the way this diagnosis is a self diagnosis and has not been evaluated by any medical professional).

Until the next race I will continue to run chubby...


  1. If you run chubby can I run chunky? Or flabby or jiggly? Yeah I bet you run better than I do all the way around.

  2. We are both trying to manage our AADHD I see. I don't think its working for me. Good luck!!!
