This has been a really strange winter. The temperatures we are used to this time of year in chilly Idaho have been very mild. For some reason, it has felt very ominous to me (ominous is a cool word). Anyway, I have been able to do a lot of running outside and have been keeping to my half-marathon training schedule fairly well....that was until Friday...dum dum dum.
I got a cold. I haven't had one in forever. Ever since I committed myself to running and working out I felt like my immune system has been stronger then ever. A cold? Whatever. Well, I got one and it has been a real doozy (another cool word). So, I missed my long run on Saturday. I vowed that this cold would only last the weekend so I pulled out the big guns...chicken soup...and had a long nap the other day. I have a lot going on this week and I can NOT let a silly cold get in the way. I will be missing a few workout days so I plan on working out on the road. I hope my hotel has a gym.
I am already feeling a bit better. I am getting ready to sign up for the first race of the season. It will just be a 5k but I am excited to get back into race mode. I was also told that my blog name didn't really fit anymore because I am not as chubby...but I still kinda like the sound of it so I guess it stays...chubby girl...out!